Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Monday, December 19, 2005

King Kong

I'm sry you guys... i don't mean to lose touch, but it's so hard... but hey!!! good news!!! i'm going to be home for the next 3 weeks!!! plenty of bonding time! and I can't wait for your x-mas party sarah! this year, i'll be here and I swear I'll make it even if i have to walk in a snow storm to get there!!! I don't know if I told you guys, but I also moved to Fishers! I'm in a new house and everything and everything of ours is still in boxes right now, but as soon as everything is settled, you guys can all come over. If you know the roads and stuff round fisher, my neighborhood is on 116th and a little past Hoosier Road. So it's not that far...maybe bout 10-15 min. drive from castleton.

But moving is totally killer. The shopping part for the new house and everything was really fun, but the actual manual labor of it all is so gruesome. We rented a huge truck, like one of those semi's and stuffed onlyu part of our house in it. then had to take it out of the truck and stuff everything in the basement...i swear, I went up and down those stairs a thousand times... I've never had stairs in my house before so this whole stair thing is totally new to me. I thought i was going to fall with my arms full of boxes. i don't know how you crazy people with stairs live!!! lol. anywayz, my whole body is sore that i have a slight limp when I go down the stairs. I need to start exercising again. Anywayz, that wa a whole buncha babble. you guys know me and shopping are a good to go so just call me when you guys wanna go to the mall, or just hang out!!! 514-9336!!!

Love ya guys!

Boggs: The chat's a mistake. Hmm. Kinda like when you have sex and don't use protection?
Amaris: EVAN!
Boggs: Yes? Was I not supposed to tell everyone our secret?


  • At 1:57 PM, Blogger chopstick_gurl said…

    I WUV YOU!!!!!

    Maybe we can hang out some this Saturday??? I'll call you!

    And you moved?? I DEFINITELY need to see your new pad. (70's lingo, anyone?)


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