Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004


And speaking of which, Olivia has the obligation of checking her e-mail and joining us!

"Compendium" has just celebrated its 500th post, which includes a blog cameo by MOI! :P Plus, another one of our OMAS bloggers was featured in the 502nd? post. You know what I say to that: FREE PUBLICITY!

I agree with Ashley. Chemistry is the biggest waste of my time, second only to the awards ceremony "practice" from yesterday. And our class spends about three days per chapter, which is why we were forced to learn Chapters 16 and 17 and could not skip them like everyone else. Of course, the advantage to that is that we understand Chapter 18 a lot better than everyone else, which means less work for us! I can deal with that...

This may be a long entry, since I have basically nothing to do and the other newspaper staffers are watching "Titanic" - which they also did yesterday afternoon. Every time I watch it, I just want to curl up in a little ball, hidden somewhere. It's depressing enough to see it once in a lifetime, but this is the fourth time I've been in a room with "Titanic" showing. Goodness.

Let's look at the bright side: at least it's not "The Labyrinth." :P (Okay, Ashley! Pelt me with orange peels now! C'mon!)

I made a new blog layout for my personal blog site. Please don't look at it. It's a VERY rough draft.

Six days (after today) until Ash's 16th!! AWWWWWWW! You DO realize that's a red day? Le francais avec M. Mannweiler? She sooooo needs to sing "Happy Birthday" to you in French. :P Thank goodness I'm a summer baby. I won't have to deal with anyone singing to me in public. Well, except at my church's Vacation Bible School. I've been promoted from "adolescent VBS helper" to "teacher of 4-year-olds" because of my work there for the past two years as a recreation leader and an art helper, respectively. (Hey, Ash? Do you still need any more hours??) I'll be in charge of a group of about 10 kids, leading them to recreation, art, music, storytime, and lunch.

Guess who's my assistant? Mom. Isn't that ironic?

However, two things are different this year that make it even better than in past years: 1) my 4-year-old neighbor Holly is going to come, who is the most adorable thing (she loves Ash and Jane and can even recall their names when looking at my pictures), and 2) IT IS THE WEEK OF MY BIRTHDAY! The last day (June 25th) is a longer afternoon session followed by a cookout and activities! YAY! For once, I won't be sitting home alone on my birthday!

Now, time for (drumroll)... The Question of the Day! What is your favorite marshmallow shape in Lucky Charms and why? (And please do not say "because it's CUTE!" I'm trying to refrain from responses like that, too.)
My answer: I love the four-leaf clover because 1) it's my second-favorite color and 2) it's just so much fun to eat something of that shape. How many times have you eaten something shaped that way (other than a real four-leaf clover itself)? (pause) Ha! See? Told ya!

Tonight I have two Kiwanis induction ceremonies to host (LN and BRHS), so I most likely won't blog again until tomorrow in SRT. (That is, unless I'm teaching Ash chemistry, which would delay my posts until late Thursday night or Friday afternoon.) So, all you other people need to post! (points finger) I want to come back to OMAS and see several posts by everyone!

Your mother is an aardvark. (Can we change this soon, please??)

P.S. Jack just died. How sad.


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