Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

"I'm scoopin' up my baby bumblebee... Won't my mommy be so proud of me!"

No, that is not an Ayu song.

For those who don't know, I was at a Key Club event (KC Weekend) in Ashley, Ohio over the weekend. It was... an experience. That's about as well as I can sum it up in a sentence. Here's the longer - but still brief - version:

- got out of school at 9 (during Lyceum)
- arrived at Kiwanis International at 10
- left Indy in one of two vans (I sat beside Janice... :P)
- realized in the middle of our journey that I had brought shorts, but hadn't brought any shoes other than my boots
- refused Janice's offer to use her credit card to buy me extra shoes
- 2-hour District meeting while in the two vans via walkie-talkie; VERY heated debates
- arrived at Recreation Unlimited around 3 in the afternoon
- was pelted with hail as Janice ran around, laughing and screaming in joy
- tornado was spotted nearby; hid with the rest of the Indy Key Clubbers in a storage closet filled with dishes and Capri Suns; while in hiding I quizzed Janice with her Interdisc flashcards
- power went out
- improvised and said, "HEY! We have chairs, people, a piano, and Janice. Why not play musical chairs?"
- lost dreadfully at musical chairs
- ate dinner
- power came back on
- opening session; was lectured on people's behaviors and how to improve my character; formed teams (I was in the "B Sharps," Janice was part of "The Awesomer-est" group)
- went to bed at 12:30

- got up at 6 (7 their time)
- got in the shower
- power went out again
- took shower in the dark
- found another Indy Key Clubber with an extra pair of shoes IN MY SIZE!
- cut myself shaving with my crappy razor so that I could wear the shorts :(
- went on the challenge course (best part of the trip!)
- nicknamed Steph "Treehugger"
- Bar-B-Q dinner (blech!)
- watched Janice play on the kiddie playground; joined in
- evening session; made the "perfect community" - my group did "Athens" and had Japanese stick people shaking hands (with English subtitles, of course!)
- walked 10 minutes to a campfire by the lake just to sit for 20 minutes, talk, and come back before curfew
- went to bed at 1 in the morning because of an impromptu Indiana District meeting at midnight

- breakfast
- packed
- ending session
- left Ohio
- another hour-long meeting via walkie-talkie
- stopped at KFC on the way home, Janice and I bought the $19.99 Picnic Meal (large bucket of chicken, three large sides, six biscuits, and a 1/2 gallon drink, which Janice didn't want and gave to me) and shared it; got strange glances from other customers
- District meeting/debate in KFC
- spilled half the drink on my lap an hour and a half away from Indy; sat there soaked
- drove home

And that was my weekend. Think of if I had not put everything in a bulleted list!

"Happy Towne: a self-sufficient community where the people are fed with the area's sole food source - a giant PopTart."


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