Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Happy Fourth!

Update since my last post: I saw The Notebook, and it is THE MOST ROMANTIC MOVIE EVER! If you like romance/chick flicks, DEFINITELY go see it!

The PA Institute is now over. Actually, today was my first day without classes (besides the weekend). The showcase went very well, I remembered 99% of the words and got some very nice compliments afterwards. Thank you to the Comstocks for coming!! (Other people came, too, but out of those the Comstocks are the only ones who actually read this.)

Hope everyone had a good holiday! On Saturday I went to visit some family friends (I call them my aunts) in Cincinnati. We went swimming in their pool and went out to dinner and for ice cream. Yum. :o) Last night I went to see Spiderman 2, it was good, full of action! And it had a happy ending (unlike the last one, sheesh, I thought I was going to die)! I need happy endings, lol.

This coming Saturday I leave on a youth group trip to do Habitat for Humanity in Tennessee. I'll be back on the 18th (technically I'll be back in town on the 17th, but won't actually be home until the next day). The trip was absolutely amazing last year, the best week of my life; I can't wait to see everyone again!! (My youth group goes with a youth group from Illinois; the other youth group has been making the trip for about 6 years now. They always stopped at our church on their way home, and last year we finally decided that we wanted to join them for the whole trip!) I don't know if I'll post before then, considering I won't be doing anything of note until the end of the week, so just plan on hearing from me when I get back. :o)

"LOOK! Purple tuna!"


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