Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

"You Look Good in My Shirt"

The title has no relevance whatsoever to this post. I just love that song.

Wow to the past two days. While horribly unsuccessful, they have been incredibly super-duper fun. (I know, it's out of character for me to say that, but hey - I'm happy, so who gives a crap? Don't answer that.)

Thursday night: MUN Security Council started off with Iranian Non-Proliferation, and representing Pakistan (with Evan) was a battle from the start. Darn those with veto power! Had too much crap to do, so Ash, William, and I were dropped off instead of going out to get food. :(

Friday: Sat in on 40 minutes of ID (Disc to you, Evan!) before heading off for MUN. Got owned on our resolution because the signatories refused to vote on it in the end. News flash: North Korean missile crisis. (Oh, no! We didn't research that one! :P) Sudan crisis... Got owned again because we decided to uphold our beliefs and not to compromise our country's integrity (i.e. Chile, who almost completely reversed its opinion from what it should have been). Ended up not winning anything, but things were good. Spent some time in the library with Sasha, although due to unfortunate circumstances we could not go get ice cream. :( I'm always deprived of my food.
Went to get my passport done, but we had only one check and no credit cards on us so I could only buy my pics (which are AMAZING for really quick passport photos). The rest I'll get done next week.

Saturday: Got on the crapping speech bus at 6:30 to go to state, which turned out to be a complete FAILURE because the only person who passed into the first round of semifinals was Ammar. Seriously. Everyone else received really bad scores. I got 3 out of 7 and 4 out of 7 my first round and 2 out of 7 and 5 out of 7 the second round. (Dang... Discrepancies, anyone?) And sadly enough, those were really some of the best scores for our school. Yeah. We bombed like nothing else. Evan got two 6's in his first round, Ayisha got 6,7,6,7 for her first two rounds... It was soooo strange because people did better at districts than state. Whatever. I just want 8 points to send me off into the 200's on NFL points. Watch me get 7 and I'll be stuck at 199 until next fall. *sigh* HAHA! Then Slemenda, Shouse, Evan, William, Amanda and I all spent about 2 hours at Fazoli's eating and talking and having amazing conversations about stuff that I'm not quite sure would be appropriate here. Life next year without the seniors is going to be so depressing. I freakin' LOVE the seniors!!!! Needless to say (though I will, anyway), we now have enough inside jokes from dinner tonight to write on shirts. That would actually be a fun idea, and only the six of us would have them! WOO for elite speechers! YAH!
Ah... Haven't laughed so hard in awhile. I need to loosen up more. (No comments from the audience, please.) I'm always so tense and serious. And when I come home, I find that I have a new monitor with better resolution! YES! It so rocks, although it's the same size as the other one.

*sigh* Life is so crapping good. Give me spring rains and break and books I've been needing to read and nature sounds and I'll be in my own heaven.

They will make horrid cheerleaders. Though I'd like to see Evan in a little skirt. -Mandy


  • At 3:37 PM, Blogger Evey said…

    *hee hee* That sounds like one razy time at Davis' house... Alan decided he wanted to try on her shirt... *laughs*


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