Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

L'enfer: C'est les Autres

Because I don't think that you'll be able to find that quote I'll give it to you: Hell, it's the others. It's from a play by Jean Paul Sartre called Huis Clos in English it translates to "No Exit." You can find a translated version here. It's a good play. You should read it. It's better in French, but very difficult to read in French. So if you think that you know enough French, go ahead and try.
Anyways, I'm supposed to be preparing for Congres in a week. Bethany, Daniel, and I are doing a selection from Huis Clos for our Advanced level play. I'm so excited! Bethany and I already went out and bought our costumes. I just need to make a letter opener now that I can pretend to stab Bethany with. It's a long story that you really need to read the book to understand fully. I'm playing Estelle, the poor orphan girl who doesn't know why she's in hell. Bethany is Ines, who's trying to get together with me, and Daniel is Garcin who wants to be alone. So yeah....
Otherwise, this weekend is going soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slowly! I want Monday to come! I want to know whether or not I am going to France and whether or not I'm going to St. Brieuc or Brest.
Speaking of Brest, I had a lot of fun playing Dimplomacy yesterday with everyone. That's such an interesting game. And I didn't mean to take that country from you Marten, lol!!! :-D It was just there. Ungaurded!
And I have most of my physics done. I just need to finish up a couple of questions on the lab. Monday we have to bring in music/musical instruments. We get extra credit which right now I really really really really need. Stupid test. I'm bringing in my flute and oboe. Mainly my oboe, but in case it doesn't work, I'll have my flute there. (It's flakey. It sometimes wants to work for you; other times, yeah, right. You'll never get it to work.) I think that I have all my lines memorized for HC but I'm not sure so I'd better work on that today and tomorrow. I also have to do some Latin essay questions over The Flames of Rome. Another good book, if anyone is interested. So yeah.
Evan installed Gaim on my computer last night. It's so awesome!! I love it to peices. (This means that the time that I should have been using to work on homework has been spent figuring out how to log conversations etc., but it's fun!)
We really need to change this:
AH! It's the vicious rabbit! (Who apparently has 3 teeth!)


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