Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Friday, May 06, 2005

I Will Survive

(Sorry, I got the signature at the beginning because I didn't want all my font to be bold [like it is now] so I had to write below the signature to get it unbolded, and now it won't let me copy/paste.)

Amaris: William! The best part of prom is to be a hot, single girl where the guys can't get you because they already have dates.
William: You're an incurable tease.

Amaris and I survived the AP US History exam! Not only that, but we did well on it (at least, I feel I did, and since she and I have gotten comparable grades in Interdisc I'm assuming she feels the same way). It's weird, though, that half of Interdisc (the history portion, which was the bulk of the class in the first place) is over. It's that time of year when it catches up with you that things don't last forever, for better or worse, and time does actually move pretty quickly, though on a day-to-day basis it may seem slow at times. Next year we won't have Interdisc (but we'll probably still be hanging out in the room anyway, hehe), Chamber will be totally different, I'll be "functionally fluent" in French (at least, I hope) and we'll be SENIORS! WOO! I definitely don't feel that old, though... The other night when I came for an AP review session I saw the 8th-graders leaving the open house and I was reminiscing about how stressed I used to get in middle school...I told my mom I wanted to go back in time to slap my seventh-grade self in the head and say "You have NO idea." High school is mega-stressful, to put it lamely (is that a word?) but it's also taught me to never give up, because no matter how crappy your situation is at the moment there is always something good around the corner. So, those are my words of wisdom for the day. :o) Just three more weeks everyone, good luck!


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