Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Grettings from a SanFran Hotel - Take II

I'm still in SanFran. My parents got off-schedule and instead of being in LA right now, we're in the exact same hotel I was in when I blogged the first night. The computer's the only good thing about returning here.

Cali's good so far. Here's another one of my signature bulleted lists:

- seeing Nat and Pam for the first time in several years (9 and 7, respectively)
- shopping in Chinatown, especially my new Chinese dress to go with the Vietnamese dress Jane gave me
- friendly people
- seeing the sights (DUH!)
- going to an Asian goods store and seeing not only Ayumi posters on the wall, but also Ayu/BoA/Hikaru Utada CD's on the shelves... (Yet again, in heaven!)
- inside jokes w/ Nat (The Skittle family, lady on the highway with styrofoam on the front of her car)
- cable car rides

- only going to the cheap, touristy part of Chinatown, and completely skipping the teenage goods that REAL Chinese girls wear/use/buy in China
- parents having no idea where to go
- realizing that USF is a Jesuit college (I felt so stupid...)
- only being with the Kwongs for less than two days
- really cold weather (GAH! It's horribly windy and cold - the high today was about 51)
- me gaining weight (haha... people will hate me for this remark, but it's true!)
- me being away from all the Indy peeps (I'm sorry you're bored, Ash!! I'd be there, but...)
- spending an hour and a half in Walgreens because Mom was choosing what to buy for relatives who don't even talk to her
- losing a couple days in LA because we can't keep to the schedule

Although the negative list is long, I still am having a good time. Tomorrow, we head off to LA, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to blog before I get home. We have a 2:30 A.M. (Indy time) flight from LA on Sunday morning, so y'all can call me later that afternoon.

"I never tire of being useful."


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