Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Au cinema

Hi everyone! Since I last blogged I have seen two movies, which doesn't happen too often, at least not one right after the other! Anyway, I saw Troy and Harry Potter. I hid my eyes during the battle scenes in Troy (yeah, I'm a wuss), but I thought the characters were very interesting, and of course there was the only reason I agreed to go see it in the first place: Orlando Bloom (and Brad Pitt, but I am partial to Orlando). hehehe Wow, they WORKED OUT for that movie. It sure beat trying to read The Iliad! Did anyone else notice that they just happened to take that off the summer reading list the year AFTER we (Lyceum people) read it? Hmph.

Harry Potter was great! I liked it the best out of the three movies so far. As all the reviews have been saying, it's darker, but then again, the third book is darker than the first two, so it's not like that was an element that was only added to the movie. If you haven't seen it yet, when you do, watch for the singing frogs! :o)

I got my hair cut yesterday -- my annual "summer chop," as I call it. The hairdresser cut it about to my shoulders, but since it's so curly it looks shorter. I like it, though it's at its cutest after it's been washed, and I'll never have time to shower in the morning. Oh well.

Tomorrow I start the Performing Arts Institute at LC. I'm taking three classes: Broadway, solo voice, and vocal jazz a cappella. I'm excited!! Hopefully the other kids will be just as into music as I am, so we won't feel awkward about performing around each other. Oh, in case you're wondering, those classes are only an hour each, so I'll be at the PA Institute from 10-1 on weekday mornings until early July. Don't worry, I'm not leaving now!

Hope this is interesting enough for you, Sarah! ;-)

"I never tire of being useful."


  • At 6:16 PM, Blogger La belle fille said…

    I am responding to the things that strike me as interesting, but I am also doing all the activities and keeping a journal of them, so I have both. After each section, I am also writing a brief synopsis of what I thought about the ideas presented in that section. I am still working through the activities for Curioustia (or how ever it's spelled) But really, I have no clue what we're supposed to be doing! Bit I am having such a good time reading it, and I can't wait to start the class. Actually, right after spring break, I got a preview of the class where we did an excercise on what we know, what we think, what we believe, what we don't know, and what we don't think. It was so intersting trying to come up with a reason! Like the paper said at one point, The sun will rise tomorrow, and we had to say if we thought/believed/knew it would happen and why we thought so. So yeah! I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY looking forward to that class. Well, I think I've written enough, so yeah! ttyl!

  • At 12:07 PM, Blogger chopstick_gurl said…

    Hey! It is interesting! It sounds like fun! I'm still waiting to go see HP. Nat and I were going to go see a movie last night, but we couldn't find one we both hadn't seen. Oh, well.


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