Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Ne supra crepidam judicaret.

SPQR really means, despite what Nathan wrote, Senatus populusque Romanus. The Senate and the People of Rome. And, I might add, that this is written everywhere in Rome, so if you are ever in Italy, see if you can find it.
The next one is Ne supra crepidam judicaret. It's a hard one, so if you find it, 200 points. And another 100 if you can tell me the story behind it. (Yes, I already know!)
I'm glad to hear that Sarah is having fun!! And I hope that Olivia has a great time too!
You know, computers cause me headaches. Many headaches. See, one of my friends is traveling and he sent me an email attachment, which my computer won't let me open. Evil electronic doorstop. Ah well. I wrote him telling him to resend it.
Not much more has happened here. Yesterday was nice and peaceful. For some weird reason though, I had trouble sleeping and so I didn't fall asleep until 2 am. Ah well. I slept in until 11 though. That's what summer's for! :-D
But yeah. Sorry this was such a short post.
Ah well. Points now!
Alison: 580
Olivia: 460
"I never tire of being useful."


  • At 2:15 PM, Blogger Nathaniel Cornstalk said…

    "One should not judge higher than one's sandals"
    or something like that. I found several variations.
    The story.. umm.. this guy painted a picture, and a cobbler corrected him on his shoe, so he changed it. Then the cobbler tried to correct him on the leg, to which he replied, "Ne supra crepidam judicaret,"

  • At 10:32 PM, Blogger yumyum said…

    grrr...nathan beat me to it! lol, no hard feelings or nothing. i'm so bored right now...gimme more quotes to look up!!! they're interesting!:) i lead a sad sad life...


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