Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Devil Wears Prada

All you girls must see Devil Wears Prada. I like the movie and if you're not into movies, you get to see really cute clothes. I think you will all love it in some way! Hope you guys are having a great summer!

Boggs: The chat's a mistake. Hmm. Kinda like when you have sex and don't use protection?
Amaris: EVAN!
Boggs: Yes? Was I not supposed to tell everyone our secret?