Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


I decided to do something productive, so I gave our title quote a makeover. (It ain't summer anymore, baby. Sorry to break it to you "Azn" swimmers. All right, I'll stop being ghetto now.) So I hope everyone likes it. :P

Anyway, today has been quite boring. In Lit&Comp (or L&C, not to be confused with LC, the school), Williams needed to get caught up with her other class work so she gave us the day off. WOOHOO! So we rooted through Means' movies and watched "Home Alone." OMG! I want snow! I love that feeling of being cold... However, I still need to go out and buy a winter coat. Crap. I WANT A WHITE CHRISTMAS!!! Actually, I'll be getting one, since I'll be out in Connecticut and NYC over holiday break. :) My first real time out east. Exciting!

This week was ISTEP week, and as part of my "reflection," I slept in on Tuesday, went to my last "See You at the Pole" on Wednesday and then spent 2 hours having breakfast with a group of friends at Cracker Barrel and playing cards at Katrina's house, and then slept for 13 hours straight last night. Let's just say that 6:45 distribution tomorrow morning is not gonna be pretty.

School needs to start later. Seriously. While walking in Wednesday morning, it actually felt like the TV shows where everyone's outside (although California schools look a lot happier and less...ghetto, maybe?) talking and whatnot before school begins. Yeah. The typical morning is everyone rushing in 5 minutes before the bell, sitting down with Starbucks in their hand, completely dazed and asking, "Did we have homework? Yes? Oh, crap."

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


So, yah. People do read this thing, so that means that I have an audience to scream to today.


Hopefully not the last one I'll get for college, but half of tuition waived for four years at BSU is pretty good. Especially when I'm now possibly eligible for a full ride. (I have two chances to get full rides - Whittinger (BSU) and Wells (IU). EEK!) YAY!

See, I now realize how obsessive I am. I've gotten a scholarship, and I'm still retaking the SAT to improve my 620 in math. But whatever. I knew I could always relate to Bree (Desperate Housewives reference).

I need to sleep and then do hours upon hours of lit, stat, dance, orchestra, psych, KC stuff and SAT prep/college apps/scholarship apps. *sigh* I still want to get distinguished at ICON in Boston... MUST KEEP WORKING! MUST KEEP SCHOLARSHIP! MUST GET MORE! (I am an academic machine, baby! WOO! Haha... No, I'm not. If I were as good as these colleges say, I'd be acing calc. Which I'm not. Because I chickened out and didn't take it. :P)

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Just a check...

Comment if you still read this.

Boggs: The chat's a mistake. Hmm. Kinda like when you have sex and don't use protection?
Amaris: EVAN!
Boggs: Yes? Was I not supposed to tell everyone our secret?

Thursday, September 01, 2005

"Tonight I Can't Give You Paris"

So I might as well have dropped off the face of this earth.

But I didn't. And that's why you should be happy.

More later.

Boggs: The chat's a mistake. Hmm. Kinda like when you have sex and don't use protection?
Amaris: EVAN!
Boggs: Yes? Was I not supposed to tell everyone our secret?