Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Mean Girls

wow! i haven't been on blogger in forever and everything has changed! where is everyone? how come no one but sarah is blogging? you guys should be ashamed of yourselves:-p lol. my laptop broke down and i just exchanged it for another ibook today at the academy so i should be online more often now. from what the computer guy said, my computer was fried more than any other computer that he had ever seen. it is now completely dead and he's not even bothering to send it in to apple to get it fixed because it's pointless. that means i lost all of my documents, all of my pictures including the ones from hong kong and the pics of hot guys that have taken me all year to find:(

well, enough sad stuff, so what's everyone up to now? i've only seen sarah and jane. obviously ash is in france right now...that lucky duck. i'm working most of the summer and i'm gonna start volunteering at wishard next week. you guys should come too if you have free time! other than that, i've been addicted to the sims and i have not been doing any SAT prep or college researching. i really wanna..but there's something there that's just preventing me. *sigh...not that i'm not having a great time doing nothing. lol. that's what summer is all about.

since i haven't been on in so long, i'll do a shout out to sarah and jane: Happy Birthday! lol. even though i already told ya:-p you can never hear it enough though:)

if any of you guys wanna hang out, call me
cell: 514-9336

have a good summer and get tan!

Amaris: William! The best part of prom is to be a hot, single girl where the guys can't get you because they already have dates.
William: You're an incurable tease.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

"Poster Girl"

DUDE! I love my new layout for AM.com.

Go visit!

C'est tres cool!

Amaris: William! The best part of prom is to be a hot, single girl where the guys can't get you because they already have dates.
William: You're an incurable tease.

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Ahhh... Europe. I loved it. Too much to say here, so if you have hours on end to spend with me in person, I'll relay it to you.

Good and bad things since I've come home:

Got my crapping report card. Got a 4.028 for the semester, get a 4.091 for cumulative, and only went up 3 ranks. I'm crapping 13th out of 693. Does anyone know how much that SUCKS??? I thought I'd be back in the top ten by the end of this year.... And when I looked on my transcript thingy that the school sent out, my grade history has one B and 4 B+'s. Can you say OMG??? B+ in summer gym, B+ in physics, B+ in PreCal, B+ in *gag* North Star, and B in Algebra I (back when I didn't care about grades).

I get to keep my braces on for another whole year. They're allowing me to have them off for 4 weeks this fall so I can get my senior pics done, then they'll be pulling 4 teeth and putting them back on until sometime during MY FRESHMAN YEAR OF COLLEGE! They TOLD me every time I went in that I was getting them off in September. But NOOOOOOOOOOO, they had to go and change their minds!!!!! So senior prom pics, the ID trip to Normandy, graduation, all of that - I will still have braces. Why are they trying to make me look like a 13-year-old girl???? AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Life just sucks.

Got to spend time with Jane and Ali yesterday!!! SO MUCH FUN! I bought a plant and a picture frame at the mall (I'm redoing my room again!), and so I'll put those up along with the CLOTH POSTER OF AYU that Ali got me from Hong Kong! WOOO!

Got my hair cut. I specifically asked for only 8 inches cut off, but the woman cut about a foot off instead. Oh, well. It looks good - I just won't have the option of long hair for senior pics. :(

Amaris: William! The best part of prom is to be a hot, single girl where the guys can't get you because they already have dates.
William: You're an incurable tease.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Bye, everyone! I'm gonna miss you! *tear*

Europe, here I come!!!!


Amaris: William! The best part of prom is to be a hot, single girl where the guys can't get you because they already have dates.
William: You're an incurable tease.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Here's the Scoop

Wow... I think that these last-minute party plans are the second most rushed plans ever!!! (First rank belongs to Ash's surprise 16th b-day party!)

Place: Catie's (if you don't know where, call her or ask me)
Time: 6:00
Attire: Hawaiian shirts and jeans/shorts and leis, if you have them
Restrictions: No guys, sorry. Just the girls on OMAS! and Catie, Claire S. and Katherine
Plans: Shopping, pizza and movies, and plain girly fun! (Bring a couple bucks to add to the price of pizza!)

If you need anything, call me. I'll be out at the garage sales at 9, then back home for a shower before my salon appointment at 2:30, then back home to pack, clean, organize some pictures, and preparing for the party! WOO!