Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Friday, May 27, 2005

On Top...Finally!

Dear OMAS friends,

We are now SENIORS!! (in case you didn't know...)

But in the meantime, we are free for two whole months!

Speaking of parties, I don't know if everyone got an invitation so...
Bon Voyage Party
Sunday, June 5th 2-5 (open house style)
my house :o)

Amaris: William! The best part of prom is to be a hot, single girl where the guys can't get you because they already have dates.
William: You're an incurable tease.


Almost free, anyway. WOO! It's my second-to-last period of junior year! Ugh.... So many people were urging me to skip study hall and eat breakfast with them and come in only for fourth period (we have G3 and G4 today, and I have free time in both study hall and PreCal). They even offered to drive me! But no, I wanted to get to school and work on stuff, and I've been fairly productive. Besides, I heard people were bringing food to PreCal. Hee, hee.

Then around 11:15, I have to pack and immediately leave for Illinois to bring Grandma over to a nursing home near us; thus, I will not be here until late tomorrow night. Sunday is a DCM (not hosted by me! WOO!), so I'm basically not free until Monday. And that's when everyone's gone. :( But, luckily, everyone will be back from traveling by Friday, which means PARTAY! Unfortunately, as always, I need a house. I think William offered, but I need to check on that. It's Hawaiian-themed, so everyone needs to wear those multicolored shirts, sandals, and shorts/jeans. You also need to bring food. I'll supply a little bit, but if you want a lot of food, get it yourself! I'll have the rest covered. (I already bought napkins!!! WOO!)

Anyway, yah, I wanna go shopping. I have about 20 bucks right now, and I want to spend it!!! YAY! Haha... Jane and I will probably have to go to Goodwill to find a shirt for Friday... Hmm... Wonder what we can find?? :P

Amaris: William! The best part of prom is to be a hot, single girl where the guys can't get you because they already have dates.
William: You're an incurable tease.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Star Wars 3

Saw the 3rd installment of star wars and it wasn't what i expected. it wasn't totally bad though. on other notes. only one more day till summer officially starts. i'm sure that some of you would like to know that during my last class of my junior year, i will be watching the movie THE LABYRINTH. i'm not sure on how i feel about david bowie with tight leather pants which seems to be the most common thing that i hear about the movie. lol. o well, after that, my mommy and bro's going to come to help me pack up all my stuff and get the heck outta Muncie for the next two months.
After I get home, i'm going to be packing to go to New Orleans for 5 days! YAY! we would've gone to florida or South Carolina, but the hotels were booked since it's memorial day weekend. But it should be fun anyways. going to be going with my family and one of my bro's friends. Then when we come back on Wednesday, my bro, my cousins and i are all going to kings island on Thursday. Then it's back to school (in a way) at Carmel to take the SATS for the second time. One day to rest and then it's off to work for the rest of the summer. doesn't that sound fun? i'm going to use every opportunity to have fun before I have to start working. we should all go to do something to celebrate school being over!
so what are everyone else's plans for the summer? i never thought i'd say this but get writing people! lov y'allz. i'll try to take some nice pics to put on here:)

Amaris: William! The best part of prom is to be a hot, single girl where the guys can't get you because they already have dates.
William: You're an incurable tease.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005



Friday, May 20, 2005

OMG! No PreCal final for AM! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

I got a 92.2% for the third six weeks, and once I do one of those extra credit poster things about myself (with pictures, what you like, hobbies, etc., for those who don't know), that one point will boost me up to something that will round up to a 93%, which means NO FINAL FOR ME!!!!! YAH!!!!!!!!

Oh, and for Ali and Jane, we got our yearbooks this week! WOO! Some of the comments in mine are so cute/funny/sweet, and I still have the back to fill up! You have to see!!!

Schedule ([]= movie for that day in N*):
Saturday - Grandpa's funeral (I'll be gone all day and come back Sunday morning/afternoon)
Monday - N* end-of-year banquet [seniors' choice]
Tuesday - I think this is my physics final day....ugh [Team America]
Wednesday - Beth's BDAY!!!! WOO!!! [Beth's choice]
Thursday - LAST FULL DAY OF JUNIOR YEAR!!!!! [Pirates of the Caribbean]
Friday - half day, no finals because I will have already taken them, and I end my year with Spilker (I say we should have a secondary pi(e) day in celebration of it!)

This just feels so weird, knowing that in 4 and a half days (not including today), there will be no more physics labs to worry over, no more Panera study sessions - at least, until next year, no more REAL Interdisc, no more calculus-related math classes (WOO! for AP Prob/Stat), no more being the younger upperclassmen on N* staff. We will become the NEW Interdisc alumni, the superior N* staff members, the students who, like me, are done with science for the rest of their high school careers, the 17- and 18-year-olds who will soon be filling out those dreaded college applications and moving on... *tear* I'm gonna cry!!!

But I want to move on. This year has been... well, it just was. It wasn't amazing, but it wasn't horrible - it's too neutral for either. It's been tough. Really tough. Our battle scars are numerous, me most of all in all likelihood. Death, depression, sadness, lonliness, more death, isolation, crying for hours at a time several nights (which two of us did this year that I know of), lowered grades, heightened expectations, all-nighters, rejections, compromises. We all suffered through it, and we can say that we survived.

But we have one more year to get through, a year that will most likely be better overall. Maybe this next year we'll all get our wishes of companionship, romance, success; maybe we'll all be more at peace with ourselves and what we've done, good and bad; maybe next year, some of us won't have regrets, just mistakes from which we will have learned.

Maybe senior year will be a happy year.

Thursday, May 19, 2005



"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ashley, happy birthday to YOU!!!! [insert your favorite post-song version (i.e. 'you look like a monkey') and sing it LOUD!]

Sunday, May 15, 2005

My grandpa passed away around 1:30 this afternoon. I'll be missing school sometime this week to go to his funeral in Illinois.

"Tonight, Tonight"

I should not even have gone.

Prom sucked. Not for anyone else. Nope, just me.

I almost cried directly after dinner at Buca's. I cried a bit halfway into prom. I bawled the entire van ride home. With four other people in there.

I have lived my life thus far with no regrets. Seriously. I remember looking back and thinking that I regretted nothing. Well, here's the first. I regret going to junior prom.

Why did I go single? Was I out of my mind to think that I could handle it? Yes. Yes, indeed. I knew it wasn't going to be the greatest dance ever, but I never thought it would be the worst. It goes below sophomore Homecoming when everyone ditched me to go to the pool party I wasn't invited to and the only company I had were freshmenI didn't even know.

I had strangers come up tonight, saying that they would share their boyfriend with me if I wanted to dance. Sure, I lied and acted like my feet were tired and I was going to dance with my boyfriend any minute, but that hurt. People I didn't even know were coming up and practically throwing their dates at me (and they weren't even pawning the guys on me!) so I would be able to have fun like everyone else. I am that pathetic. And as I looked around, I realized how much I have never felt (in a romantic sense). Ever. Like a guy's arms wrapped around me while we're slow-dancing. Never. I get hit on so much, but no guy has ever wanted a serious relationship with me after getting to know me, and that just makes me feel like I'm in gym again, where I'm the last one picked for someone's team, with cries of "Not her!" and "Hey, Coach, why don't we send her to the other team? We'll just be short a player. No big deal." I've never been given that chance to say, "Hey! I can be a good girlfriend! I just might be a little slower to open up, and I will never meet your expectations of me when you compare me to other girls, but I'm just as good and just as worthy! " I want the one guy who tries, the one who will see me as I am and not run away.

Like that'll happen.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

"She's No You"

I've decided to actually go to prom. Really, there's no way I can't go when I begged 40 bucks to buy my dress.
And I now have a group to eat dinner with. Not my original group by a long shot, and I'll still be a freakin' third wheel, but it's something.
This is still going to be the prom from Hades. There's no doubt about that. But I've resolved to LOOK ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS, DANCE UNTIL MY HEART STOPS, AND GET AMAZING PICS so that I can say I had fun despite what people have done recently to bring me down, go behind my back, and intentionally hurt me. So they will realize what they lost in me by thinking they were superior to the single one.

Because I'm like that. Because I do like revenge. And because I am "an incurable tease."

Monday, May 09, 2005

"Is Anybody Out There?"

OMG... I was taking my driver's manual test in DE after school today and right in the middle of it, Sisqo's "The Thong Song" got stuck in my head. I was like, "WTC?" So, to get it out of my head, I came home and listened to it, and I am now completely thong-free. :P

Bad day today. Really bad. Sadly enough, the adrenaline for prom this weekend should be enough to keep my spirits soaring until about Monday, but then again, prom is one of the main reasons why I'm not happy. *sigh* It's not so much the fact that I have no date as much as it is everyone else DOES have one. Grrrr.... I want another group dinner!!!!! (And a bunch of other things that just won't happen.)

Amaris: William! The best part of prom is to be a hot, single girl where the guys can't get you because they already have dates.
William: You're an incurable tease.

Friday, May 06, 2005

I Will Survive

(Sorry, I got the signature at the beginning because I didn't want all my font to be bold [like it is now] so I had to write below the signature to get it unbolded, and now it won't let me copy/paste.)

Amaris: William! The best part of prom is to be a hot, single girl where the guys can't get you because they already have dates.
William: You're an incurable tease.

Amaris and I survived the AP US History exam! Not only that, but we did well on it (at least, I feel I did, and since she and I have gotten comparable grades in Interdisc I'm assuming she feels the same way). It's weird, though, that half of Interdisc (the history portion, which was the bulk of the class in the first place) is over. It's that time of year when it catches up with you that things don't last forever, for better or worse, and time does actually move pretty quickly, though on a day-to-day basis it may seem slow at times. Next year we won't have Interdisc (but we'll probably still be hanging out in the room anyway, hehe), Chamber will be totally different, I'll be "functionally fluent" in French (at least, I hope) and we'll be SENIORS! WOO! I definitely don't feel that old, though... The other night when I came for an AP review session I saw the 8th-graders leaving the open house and I was reminiscing about how stressed I used to get in middle school...I told my mom I wanted to go back in time to slap my seventh-grade self in the head and say "You have NO idea." High school is mega-stressful, to put it lamely (is that a word?) but it's also taught me to never give up, because no matter how crappy your situation is at the moment there is always something good around the corner. So, those are my words of wisdom for the day. :o) Just three more weeks everyone, good luck!

Thursday, May 05, 2005


After much talk about other's writing more. i am finally writing. lol. to help the cause:-p j/k, i love writing in here. i know i don't write very often, but time is...well...i can't make any real great metaphor there but it seems like there's less of it every day so must treasure everymoment. I'm probably not going to be writing a lot here in the next week and a half because right now, we're having finals. This week is considered hell week for us because the teachers load on everything and we have ap exams the same week as finals. everyone is stressed and well, you know how it goes. as for school, it will be technically over in 8 days, at least that's when finals are over and to me, that's the end of school. Thereafter, the academy's students spend 2 weeks in this stupid thing called "may term" where we only take one class a day. now that's when i'll start blogging. lol. no more work, no more tests, no more thinking. gotta love it. i can't wait for that. who's psyched that school's over? yes, i think we all are. if i drank, i'd drink a whole bottle just to summer. think of it as an initiation of the best times to come. but since there's no drinking, i'll sleep more than 15 hours the first chance that i get, do nothing but watch movies, play on the computer, reading, talk online, hang out with friends like crazy!, make money and fuck everything else. here's to summer of '05:) it's gonna be a hella good time.

Amaris: William! The best part of prom is to be a hot, single girl where the guys can't get you because they already have dates.
William: You're an incurable tease.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Is This the End?

Okay, so I'm not one for ultimatums, but it seems like we desperately need one. Everything here was been dead for months, and as stated in my last post, Sushi's almost upon its milestone 1st birthday (on Monday, to be specific). The only people who post semi-continuously are Olivia and me. Granted, we have other sites to blog on, yet we continue to write. I know that we have busy schedules. Think of mine, arguably the busiest. I get an average of 3 hours of sleep most nights because of my work, and I have people all yelling at me because I hold my standards so high, but do I say, "Blog tonight? Nah..." Heck, I have THREE! I just don't understand why it's just me most of the time now....

The question, though hard for me to ask as a co-founder (and the only founder still blogging): Is there any purpose to keeping Sushi alive?

Comment, especially if it's in favor of keeping this going.

I'm done.

Amaris: William! The best part of prom is to be a hot, single girl where the guys can't get you because they already have dates.
William: You're an incurable tease.

Monday, May 02, 2005

"Coming Home"

OKAY, PEOPLE! Sushi's one-year anniversary is coming up! We can't let it fall apart! It's almost summer! CELEBRATE!

Now that I've done enough random crap for the day, time for Am to be girly! She is the proud new owner of a PROM DRESS! WOO! YAY! It's hot pink, very close to a "JLo" Latino style that shows some skin but is *of course* still tasteful. (Wouldn't want me to be the cute lil' prom slut, right?)

Speaking of random, that last paragraph was really random. And not my style. Wow. I guess 3 and 1/2 hours of sleep and me don't work too well. And I think my sentence structure is going to Hades. I'm not tired; I'm just uncoordinated. I couldn't even type my name on my ID outline this morning. What did you expect, with me going to bed at 12:30 and waking up at 4 to finish it?

OMG. I am ending this. Now.

Amaris: William! The best part of prom is to be a hot, single girl where the guys can't get you because they already have dates.
William: You're an incurable tease.