Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Memoirs of a Geisha

Hope all of you are having a good holiday break so far. I just wanted to wish all of you a happy new years even though I'm a little early. I'm probably not going to be able to go to any of your lovely parties on new years eve because my parents wanted to celebrate my b-day with me. We shoudl definitely go 2006 shopping though! I hope there's going to be a lot of new years sales.

Boggs: The chat's a mistake. Hmm. Kinda like when you have sex and don't use protection?
Amaris: EVAN!
Boggs: Yes? Was I not supposed to tell everyone our secret?

Monday, December 26, 2005

Bon Voyage!

Well, I'm off to the airport in 1.5 hours. I'll take lots and lots of pics in NYC for y'all!!


Saturday, December 24, 2005

I know it's a little early, but...


Monday, December 19, 2005

King Kong

I'm sry you guys... i don't mean to lose touch, but it's so hard... but hey!!! good news!!! i'm going to be home for the next 3 weeks!!! plenty of bonding time! and I can't wait for your x-mas party sarah! this year, i'll be here and I swear I'll make it even if i have to walk in a snow storm to get there!!! I don't know if I told you guys, but I also moved to Fishers! I'm in a new house and everything and everything of ours is still in boxes right now, but as soon as everything is settled, you guys can all come over. If you know the roads and stuff round fisher, my neighborhood is on 116th and a little past Hoosier Road. So it's not that far...maybe bout 10-15 min. drive from castleton.

But moving is totally killer. The shopping part for the new house and everything was really fun, but the actual manual labor of it all is so gruesome. We rented a huge truck, like one of those semi's and stuffed onlyu part of our house in it. then had to take it out of the truck and stuff everything in the basement...i swear, I went up and down those stairs a thousand times... I've never had stairs in my house before so this whole stair thing is totally new to me. I thought i was going to fall with my arms full of boxes. i don't know how you crazy people with stairs live!!! lol. anywayz, my whole body is sore that i have a slight limp when I go down the stairs. I need to start exercising again. Anywayz, that wa a whole buncha babble. you guys know me and shopping are a good to go so just call me when you guys wanna go to the mall, or just hang out!!! 514-9336!!!

Love ya guys!

Boggs: The chat's a mistake. Hmm. Kinda like when you have sex and don't use protection?
Amaris: EVAN!
Boggs: Yes? Was I not supposed to tell everyone our secret?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christmas bells ring out that love's a treasure

*raises right hand* I, Olivia Anne Mozzi, do solemnly swear to blog on OMAS more often. (Not that I ever meant to neglect it, but I do have a Livejournal and I worry about being redundant.)

Anyway... choir concert went well (hence the title, from the jazz version of "Carol of the Bells"). It was bittersweet once I realized that it was my last winter show ever, and now I have one major concert left (plus Chamber Singers Live, but I mean a show with the whole department). It is crazy that we are seniors, and this year seems to be going faster than all the others.

How is everyone's college search going? I haven't heard much about where you Academy kids are looking, other than the ones that Ali mentioned earlier. I'm conflicted at the moment because I love Washington University in St. Louis but I also really liked Emory when I visited over fall break, and I have been spoiled in my exposure to Wash U (ie. I went on a sponsored trip there and was able to listen to an a cappella group and go to a French class) and I want to make sure I am able to give that same attention to Emory before I really make that decision. Thus, I will probably stay overnight at Emory during a three-day weekend early second semester and then I will be able to decide (I hope). Plus there's scholarships, but I really don't want my college decision to come down to money. Though I have a better chance of scholarships at Wash U...

Anyway, I say Sarah's OMAS holiday party (and perhaps some retail therapy... I know none of us would pass up a chance to shop!) sounds like a good plan, especially since I will actually be able to RELAX during break this year (yay for finals before Christmas!). Yes, I will have scholarship applications, but that's still better than homework. Agreed? Besides, we need to celebrate only having ONE semester of high school left!

(Like I said, crazy.)

Boggs: The chat's a mistake. Hmm. Kinda like when you have sex and don't use protection?
Amaris: EVAN!
Boggs: Yes? Was I not supposed to tell everyone our secret?

Saturday, December 10, 2005

You know, I was looking back at our archives and at our end-of-the-year summaries, and I realized that I can't do that this year since after a point Ash left and the rest of us all dropped off the face of this earth.

Out of all of my friends, you guys are the ones I see the least. And yet we were really close at one period in time, or else we wouldn't have created this thing. My question is: What happened? Is it life? Is it time? (both of which I'm at odds with right now)

Let's face it. We're moving on after graduation. Enough said. Why not try to live it up now? Make the best out of the time we have left in the same state? Not to be overly sappy, but I really freaking miss you guys. (Yes, that is my sappy point of the day.) And I really freaking hate change. So don't make me hate it anymore than I do now.