Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Sunday, May 16, 2004


YO! Sorry... Had to start singing it. Wonderful, get-up-and-dance type of song. And who could beat Ayu's open-stadium performance of it when she threw giant-sized balloons at the fans?? (Jane can agree with me on this one. She actually saw it.)

From yesterday morning to mid-afternoon, I was at North Central, helping with their Special Olympics. My job was to write the names of the winners on the backs of their ribbons. At first, I was assigned to only do 12 stacks of 1st-4th place ribbons, but after it was all over with, I ended up having done close to 300... Can you say "hand cramp?"

Other than that, nothing incredibly fantastic has happened to me this weekend. I spent the rest of the day yesterday watching "Chasing Liberty" - which was cheesy, but when you're bored that doesn't matter - and "In America," which was such a beautiful movie. I loved it!

And seeing as how the QotD has actually succeeded in getting responses, I'll keep it going.

"And now, for Sunday's Question of the Day!"

What is the oldest food item in your fridge?
My answer: My mother is a neat-freak, much like I am, so our fridge is cleaned out once a month. However, while I don't have 7-year-old cottage cheese in my fridge (Only Jane will get that reference), I do have my Japanese junk food from North Star's trip to Washington D.C. last November. It is strawberry-flavored. At least, it was.

There. I posted. Now Ashley won't have to worry about double-posting. AND THE REST OF YOU, POST! *cough* Olivia, Jane *cough* If I can find time to post as much as I do, y'all can do the same! So end the silence!



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