Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Great Expectations

OMG!!!!! i am going through online withdrawal!!!!!!! someone help me!! we have a computer in vietnam (btw im in vietnam if u didnt kno! hehe) but it wont let me check my email nor get online... im gonna cry *sniff.. so does anybody miss me?? if u really miss me then somebody be a doll and send me over my computer!!!! or a book for that matter! aah!! no book, no phone, and no computer... im gonna die... but other than that it's cool over here. it's sooo humid and hot tho! i've been hanging out with my cousin chau. he's really cool and he's so sweet!!! he tries to keep my occupied and he's such a dahling! so if any of u guys would like a viet boyfriend then.. hehe.. he's looking for a gurlfriend. there's also my cousin thang. he's cool too but he's very sarcastic and has a smart mouth. he also owes me icecream. he doesnt have a gurlfriend either but i think it's cuz he's so short. oh and he kind of reminds me of a monkey. he's also very vain and he thinks everyone is jealous of him. in vietnam vain people are called horses. hehe.. if u couldnt tell he's reading this while im writing it. but yea if u want a viet boyfriend go for my cousin chau not thang.. hehe. so what has everyone been doing while i've been gone? pining away miserably because of my absence? aww.. good! hehe. i miss u guys terribly, but i'll be back soon! o and we're also going to take a tour of thailand while im here! yay! well tootles! i luv u all!


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