Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Orange you glad to see me?

I now have a t-shirt that says that. :o) I went to Aeropostale today and got six t-shirts and a pair of pants. Aeropostale has the cutest t-shirts ever, and really good deals (2 for $25 and a third for $5!). YAY! Ashley: weren't you the one who was obsessed with ducks for awhile? One of my shirts says "Ducky love" and has a cute beach scene of a duck "couple." It made me think of you!

Ahh, Alison, your post made me sad because it made me think about people going away. Grr. But I'm sure there will be great opportunities for you at the Academy, and I suppose I have to accept the idea of all of us leaving each other eventually. *tear*

My classes have been extra exciting lately. The other day my Broadway/vocal jazz teacher played through my songs on the piano and just reaffirmed my belief that he is one of the coolest guys ever. I'm really looking forward to the showcase that we're having at the end of the four weeks!

I miss HOBY but I've been having a lot of fun lately -- music classes, sleepover last night, shopping... Hope everyone else is as happy as I am!

"Get up off your knees! You're too young for that..."


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