Veni, Vidi, Vici
Bonjour tout le monde! Vous me tuerez parce que je ne veux ecrire que le francais. Je suius desolee. :-) Ce m'est egal et parce que l'ecole commence bientot, j'ai besoin de parler et ecrire en francais encore. Je m'amuse bien.
Sarah et moi, nous somme a l'hopital Riley pour les enfants. La pauvre Sarah! :-( L'infirmiere l'a blessee. :-( (Elle avait besoin de "IV"- je ne sais pas le mot francais, et cet ordineteur est le moins vite.....)
Alors, Souhaitez Sarah "BONNE CHANCE! Nous t'aimons beaucoup et beaucoup!!!!!!!"
"Rain is just God's faucet..."
Sarah et moi, nous somme a l'hopital Riley pour les enfants. La pauvre Sarah! :-( L'infirmiere l'a blessee. :-( (Elle avait besoin de "IV"- je ne sais pas le mot francais, et cet ordineteur est le moins vite.....)
Alors, Souhaitez Sarah "BONNE CHANCE! Nous t'aimons beaucoup et beaucoup!!!!!!!"
"Rain is just God's faucet..."
At 12:48 PM,
chopstick_gurl said…
We posted 2 minutes apart! What's the chances of that, especially with you here next to me? :P
At 2:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Once again, Le Grand Garcon has a comment for you. (The last one, thankfully *wipes brow*--my hands are protesting all this work! They're still in summer mode.) I am quite saddened by two things--one, that you're speaking in French again! You were doing so well!! Don't worry, we'll work on it. ;) And two....I actually understood it!! Yeah, I know, I'm crying too. :-P Well, I hope you guys are having fun at Riley. I wish I were there--a friend of mine works there, so I would be able to visit her, and much fun would be had by all. Well, maybe not Sarah. :( I hope it's not too bad. Be sure to call, or IM, or write (mais ne pas en francais)! ;) Farewell!!
At 8:08 PM,
Evey said…
Vous devrez ecrire en francais plus frecament! (I'm trying to say frequently but cant spell it en francais). J'aime beaucoup lire the 'blogs' en francais! Continue, et laisse Levi chanter son chanson en francais pour vous. C'est tellement drole, son accent est terrible!
At 8:10 PM,
Evey said…
Veni, vidi, vici - I came, I saw, I conquered. (Julius Caesar)
YAY! More points! :)
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