Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Mean Girls

been hearing that lotsa people saw that movie this weekend. although i'm not the biggest fan of lindsey lohan...she's a slut...but the mnovie did have it's cute part. she had some really cute outfits too. And that guy...hello!!!! where'd he come from. the movie stars always get all the hot guys even like lindsay lohan...slut...sry if any of you guys like her...but she's going out with a guy that's like 6 yeasr older than her. it's like demi and ashton...except a lil better considerin she's not like old (not dissin' Demi cuz she looks pretty good considering her age so kudos to her, but that does not erase the fact that she is still and forever will be older...a lot older than ashton) and everything and hoping it's just a phase. didya hear about the olsen twin ashley?!?! heard she was going out with some 36 year old guy or something. no one should ever read tabloids. they just rot your brain with stupid and useless information that probably aren't true in the first place. but being the person that i am, i get bored when i'm at meijers and wal mart and they're handy. gotta keep up with my current events, ya know?;-)

anwayz, this weekend just put me an a great weekend. I have no idea why considering I didn't do anything that involved hanging out with friends...but i did get 14 hours of sleep which is usually unheard of these days. it was so nice...sleep makes everything go away...at least for a while. as of right now, it hasn't worn off yet cuz it's 2:3- and i'm still awake typing away. i'm even doing homework that isn't due tomorrow!!! *gasp* yea...well, that won't last for long. hope this week goes better than it did last week although that's probably a little too much to ask. just hope the week will go fast. i think this is the most that i've ever blogged within a week...mwahahaha

"Your imagination's stuck in your crack, honey."


  • At 11:48 AM, Blogger Marten said…

    Do not be hating on lindsey lohan. She's awesome and totally kicks duff's ass

  • At 3:35 PM, Blogger Evey said…

    I'm with Marten on this one. Dont dis her. She beats evil duff. she kicks duff's duff.

  • At 10:04 PM, Blogger yumyum said…

    sry if i offended you guys, but this is totally my opinion of her. who knows...she could be a nice girl...if it makes it any better, i think she makes better movies than duff:)


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