Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

OK, OK, I'll post!

Sorry I haven't been posting regularly. I don't have much Internet time now that school has started and I am attempting to have better study habits than last year (read: not spending two hours on the Internet after school before beginning a pile of homework), plus I have at least two other journals to update and I don't often feel like writing the same things three times in a row.

ANYWAY, that said, I really am going to update. haha I went to The House at Glendale last night with some people from Chamber Singers (and saw a few other friends there, too). Three bands performed, and two of them featured people in Chamber. (The third band was Relentless, the one you hear about all the time at LN.) All three bands did an awesome job, and I really got into the music. I was totally buzzed afterwards (well, let me rephrase that. By the time the entire night was over, I was tired, but after the second band I didn't want to stop moving!)!

I love student bands. Since that is something I have just gotten into lately (thanks to Katherine, who took me to my first show at Cathedral to see some friends of hers), I am inspired to make a list of other things I have gotten into that I think everyone should experience at LN:

Home basketball games (and/or games leading up to State)
Choir concerts
The spring musical
Student band concerts

Well, that isn't very long. Oh well. Hopefully a shorter list means you can see more of them! :-D

ps. My 17th birthday is Wednesday!!! (We're having a party in French class!) :-D

"Clyde! Bus! BUS!!!! BUS, CLYDE!!!!!!!!"


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