Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Halloween!

This orange is a little hard to read, but I figured I should try to use Halloween colors. Hope everyone had a good holiday, though I suppose we're a little too old to go trick-or-treating for ourselves anymore. Darn, no more free candy. ;-) Even more unfortunate, we completely ran out of candy for trick-or-treaters at my house, which means no leftovers. Tragic.

In other words, the famed crashing of Ashley's house (aka party that started while Ashley was not home) was a success. I finally put my ice cream hat to good use (in costume form). We spent the majority of time just sitting around and talking, though we halfway paid attention to two movies. It was entertaining, though! :o) Especially when Ashley, Jane, Evan, and I went to Kroger to get drinks...in our costumes. I'm surprised more people didn't stare at us, haha.

Let's see...the rest of my fall break was great! I visited Washington University in St. Louis, which I absolutely loved. I could definitely see myself going there. I just have to work extra hard now so I can get in...especially on the SAT. Darn SAT. At least you can take it multiple times.

Saturday morning was the IU Honors Test. I didn't think it was all that hard, though I didn't finish the reading portion (I don't think a lot of people did). The stories were, er, entertaining? One was about a guy whose wife brought home an injured tiger cub and let it sleep in bed, so he got jealous. Another described all these foods that are supposed to be healthy, but are actually terrible for you, and then recommended drinking whiskey, gin, and tonic. haha The test was followed by a rather lengthy presentation about the program, mostly past participants telling their stories. I think I'm going to apply -- it would be so cool to come back and be functionally fluent! I'm torn about missing my youth group's Habitat trip this summer, though.

I suppose that's all the news from me for now, at least the latest.

"Can I hit him with an obvious stick now? PLEASE??!!!"


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