Oh, my aching sushi!!!

All right, so summer's over and there are fewer pretty girls in tank tops. But still, if you think about it, we're still better. We are utterly beautiful, talented, intelligent, and amazing girls who don't need to show off skin to feel worthy. Too bad we're too good for you.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Sons and Lovers

TA-DA!! JADE HAS POSTED! MWAHHAA! hehe.. so much drama since i've been home for a week... haha.. i think u people all just need to eat some chocolate go buy stuff and chill with amazingly wonderful company *ahem* hehe.. 0:P but soon i shall be returning to the terrifying world of the academy where i will be knee deep in finals and a bunch of stuff i dont ever remember learning.. (someone please tell me what in the heck i've been learning in civitas cuz i have a test and im clueless... also if anyone would be so kind as to do my french essays for me.. that would be dandy! hehe) but it is 4 in the morning and methinks that me should be in bed so this shall be a short post but a post nevertheless! hehe.. btw.. for all u lovers - enjoy what u have and make the most of it so when u look back on it u can remember it with maybe a tear.. but definitely a smile and see it as one of the most memorable times of ur life... and all u scorned or pining-away lovers - if it was fun then smile and look ahead to open new doors and more smiles ahead.. if it wasnt then wave it a bittersweet farewell and keep skipping on that trodden path and sometime u'll find ur flower

AH! It's the vicious rabbit! (Who apparently has 3 teeth!)


  • At 6:25 PM, Blogger chopstick_gurl said…

    But Jane...what if you are neither? What category am I??
    And while a flower is all sweet and dandy, I wouldn't compare my dream guy to one.

    "Eat some chocolate go buy stuff and chill with amazingly wonderful company..." Nice. I agree completely. :P


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